
ATTENTION GUN OWNERS & FUTURE GUN OWNERS: Complete your Firearms Safety Course Online!

Online Firearms Safety Class

Online Firearms Safety Class  [5% Complete]

Welcome to the Online Firearms Safety Class Qualification Process.

This online class will take you approximately 30 minutes, and you pay after successful completion.

To Begin, Please provide the following info:

4Ward Defense LLC is not a government agency nor are we affiliated with any government agency or entity. 4Ward Defense LLC is a training resource for consumers who want to educate themselves in firearm safety. We do not guarantee or infer in any way that you will qualify for a concealed carry permit. The certification you receive from 4Ward Defense LLC is not a license or permit to carry a handgun. Our Firearms Safety Certifications are recognized for court ordered safety classes in most jurisdictions. It is your sole responsibility to ensure this certification will work in your jurisdiction as well as submitting all paperwork and additional fees to any court for court ordered classes. It is your responsibility to research and understand your local laws as it relates to handgun ownership and concealed carry.

Copyright © 2025 4Ward Defense, LLC Terms of Service 

All guides offered today are done so for informational purposes only. Please read disclaimer for additional details.
